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Emotional storytelling in images & videos

Do you want vivid images that touch your heart? Memories of your most beautiful moments in life? We accompany you not only as a service provider, but as a friend. Always from the perspective where you are most beautiful - namely when you don't even notice that we are pressing the shutter button. The relationship with our customers is particularly important to us.

Our motto:

"Only those who see with the heart can touch hearts."

Heart person, creative mind, storyteller, visionary, coach

It won't just be a photo, it will be your story!

My team and I will tell the story for you. Emotional, soulful, real and authentic. As photo and video. This keeps your memories alive.

Write to us about you and your plan to celebrate your love. We look forward to reading from you!




Als zertifizierter Life & Impuls Coach durfte ich bereits mit vielen wunderbaren Herzmenschen zusammen arbeiten und sie auf ihrem ganz persönlichem Weg begleiten.

Egal ob du als Fotograf:in, in einem anderen Business Fuß fassen oder dich einfach nur persönlich weiterentwickeln möchtest - ich gehe den Weg gerne mit dir zusammen.


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